Our Very Special Trailer Episode: Features Tia Marie, Founder & Creator of BLK Alchemy

Welcome to BLK Alchemy, the Podcast.

Trailer Episode featuring Host (B) with her partner Tia Marie, Founder/Creator of BLK Alchemy, the product collection. We're talking about how BLK Alchemy  came to be, the BLK femme centered Sex Down South annual conference in Atlanta and how black women inspire us. 

BLK Alchemy is a plant-based body care and sensual wellness brand.

As a brand, we want to lead as an authority on intentional living and consumption. With this podcast we’ve created a safe space for conversations on how BLK femmes can alchemize connection, pleasure, and freedom. Our mission is to uplift, educate and empower listeners on pursuing optimal well being and success.

Celebrate being alive. Alchemize sensuality and love everyday. 


Published on October 2022


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